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The New

Marketplace Ministry

NCM is apart of the new move of God and mandate to invade the digital marketplace with the Gospel. We know that the great commission tells us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. In adhering to this charge from Jesus, we know that cyberspace is a new "world" that is developing that must preached in.


After COVID, the church changed, being forced of God to engage in ministry in a digital way. We recognize that cyberspace is the new frontier where the Gospel much be preached, and serves as an effective conduit to proclaim God's Word to all nations.


Therefore, it is the charge and objective of NCM to use cyberspace to bring the Gospel to a dying world, and inform them of the redemptive work of the Lord, Jesus Christ.


New Creation Ministries in the information age

We are an online, hybrid ministry. God is shifting the church into the information age. New Creation Ministries is no exception!

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Upcoming Events

We have various events and activities planned throughout the year. Click here to view our calendar and join us in fellowship.


How You Can Help

We believe in the power of prayer and community. You can help us by joining our prayer team, volunteering for our ministries, or donating to our church. Click here to learn more.


with Us

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We are a community of believers who are passionate about spreading the love of Christ. Click here to meet our leadership team and learn more about our church.


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