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New Creation



Get to Know Us

Elder Larry and Evangelist Meta Townsand have been serving together in ministry for decades.  In 1996, through much prayer and seeking God, the Townsand's accepted the call to evangelism ministry, establishing New Creation Ministries. 


After serving faithfully under traditional ministry, Evangelist Meta, through prayer and supplication, was moved by the Spirit of God to bring the call of evangelism to the digital marketplace. Holding several prayer gatherings over digital conferencing software (i.e. Zoom), as well as connecting with people through social media platforms, such as Facebook, Larry and Meta Townsand embraced the mandate of God to bring His Gospel to the digital marketplace, providing digital platforms for Jesus to be glorified and exalted.



What We

New Creation Ministries, Inc. was birthed in 1996 after much prayer and accepting the call to evangelism ministry. New Creation Ministries is a online, digital marketplace ministry, hosting prayer gatherings and bible study platforms for people to grow their faith and express their love for Christ. 


We believe there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all.


We believe in the five-fold governmental order of the church that equips the believers for the work of ministry, for edification of the body and unity in the faith.


We believe in the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Believer to accomplish greater works as established by God.


We preach and teach the Kingdom of God message through the Word of God.


We are a unique, online ministry accountable to  From the Heart Church (Grand Rapids, Michigan), Pastor George Davis; Abundant Life Bible Church (Washington, D.C.), Pastor Melva Covington; and  Empowered2Empower Ministry (Ohio), Elder Karrie Jackson.


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